Father of Bride Wedding Speeches

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Father of the Bride Wedding Speeches

Did you ever believe that the free online dating comparator would have led to a wedding? Well, here you are … In days of yore the father of the bride played host, foot the bill, and partook in other traditions deep set in most cultures. Today, it is all change. The father of the bride no longer has to foot the entire bill himself – fortunately this expensive aspect is usually spread around the families. However, one thing will never change – the tradition of “giving his daugher away.” Sure, this can be an emotional role to play, and there have been many sightings of fathers turning away from their audience to dry their eyes at their daughter’s wedding.
As host, the father of the bride must stand up to say a few things to keep things flowing smoothly throughout the reception. If the budget extends to it, the father of the bride may hire a professional speaker / entertainers to do this for him!
Beside from all the organisation and orchestration of the wedding and reception details, the main supportive role is to provide your daughter with a shoulder to lean upon as her Big Day approaches. This is your time to really be her rock – you’re the one she’ll be turning to when things get a little fraught and chaotic (as they undoubtedly will do!).
Amonst all these caring, altruistic responsibilities, there’s also the small matter of keeping yourself sane and as stress-free as possible: not always easy!
And when you’re expected to make a speech that?s warm, witty, significant, loving, and emotional – in front of all the people who really matter to you, your family, your new son-in-law, and (most importantly) your daughter, that’s a big deal.
This is where Father of the Bride Wedding Speeches: How to be Witty and Well Prepared comes in: a comprehensive how-to guide by Dan Stevens, experienced public speaker and speech-writer extraordinaire, to writing and delivering the funniest, most eloquent speech of the day.

Father of the Bride Wedding Speech Handbook

This handbook has been designed and written specifically to meet the precise needs of the Father of the Bride. It deals with all his traditional and contemporary responsibilities on the day itself and in the events leading up to it: not just the crafting, preparation, and delivery of the speech, but everything you need to know to be the most well-informed, supportive, and confident Father of the Bride that you possibly can be!
This is a detailed guide: there’s a lot of areas covered. So the contents include ….
In Father of the Bride Wedding Speeches: How to be Witty and Well Prepared you get:
  • Immediate access to 20 professionally-written, quality speeches designed specifically for the Father of the Bride. These speeches have been written in a manner that enables you to cut and paste as you like, creating your very own, tailored speech which perfectly suits the occasion – and what’s more, they’re guaranteed to be adaptable to any situation.
  • Over 100 witty, top-quality toasts for you to insert into your speech.
  • Detailed, easy-to-follow instructions on how to create your own unique, customized speech from scratch.
  • The complete how-to on delivering your speech like a professional speaker: all the tips and practical advice you need to look and sound great when it really counts!
  • The complete protocol and etiquette for the Father of the Bride: all the information to fulfil your duties, so you can relax in your role as both a supportive father and a gracious host – who’s never at a loss for the right thing to say or do.
  • A full, no-quibble 100% money back guarantee: if you?re not completely satisfied with your father of the bride speech-making package, you have a full eight weeks to request your complete refund.
Something that’s guaranteed to please is the fact that the book is laid out in such an easy-to-read, mistake-proof format. A pleasant contrast to other products on the market, the user-friendliness of this book means that it can be read and absorbed in one night (check-out for yourself: the more-than-impressive testimonials on the book’s site).
The Father of the Bride has hundreds of specific duties both minor and major to fufill. Dan Stevens has done all the hard workfor you, creating a speech-making package that’s not only designed specifically for the Father of the Bride, but has been designed to be easily and quickly readable and absorbable.
Ongoing support: private email consultation with Dan for no added charge. Internet customers (who purchase the instantly-downloadable online book, as opposed to the hard copy) receive an individual and personal consultation with the man himself! If you have any questions, want more professional advice, or even just some feedback on your speech notes, simply email Dan to get your own personalized reply straight from the horse’s mouth.
Can there be more? Yes !
Get three whole bonuses for free:
  • Unstoppable Confidence Audio Program: a downloadable track that’s been put together by a professional hypnotherapist – designed to help even the most petrified potential Father of the Bride. all Put on your earphones, listen and watch your confidence sky-rocket.
  • Jokes, Quotes, and One-Liners This book has over 100 of the funniest jokes to paste into your speech – pick and choose to the most appropriate to have them rocking in the aisle.
  • Classic and Contemporary Sample Toasts : choose formal, casual, or somewhere in between; there is one that will fit your occasion

This handbook really does cover it all: a great speech, advice to handle yourself with confidence, keeping the wedding day running smoothly, ensure your daughter’s feeling relaxed and happy as she prepares to embark on her new life with her husband, and – believe it or not – manage to enjoy yourself at the same time-
This book is a must-have for any Father of the Bride.