Best Man Wedding Speech: help for the Best Man speech!

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Best Man Wedding Speech

A best man wedding speech is a big occasion so you need to get it right! Don’t you?
Even the most self-confident people get the jitters when they’re asked to speak at a wedding: the weight of expectation resting on you, as the speech-maker, is pretty huge. It is a big deal!
After all, you’re being required to make a major contribution to the a special event in front of a big expectant audience: a day that these two people (as well as scores of their relatives and close friends) will remember for the rest of their lives. So no time for a mistake (or two). And when you’re the Best Man, the responsibility is even more important: not only do you have to make a speech, but you toast the bride and groom.
On top of this – a sobering (yeah, do not drink too much!) reality itself! – you’re the main orchestrator of the big event. You’ll help to organize the wedding and reception so that it all runs smoothly and runs in the right direction; not only are you expected to look after the groom, make sure he turns up on time and in a sober state; its also up to you to make sure that the many guests are enjoying themselves, and that everyone else is performing their duties while simultaneously having a good time. Quite a balancing act!
Is there any room left over for you to have a good time? And are you beginning to understand why most Best Men, even though hugely flattered, usually find it difficult not to falter under the weight of all the responsibility?
It’s not just making the speech that’s so scary ? It’s also coming up with the necessary personal, safe, witty, emotional, and meaningful anecdotes, jokes, stories and one-liners that make the best man speech memorable.
Even for someone who’s accustomed to writing and delivering speeches, this is still a daunting task – even just the idea of having to do all that is enough to turn one’s creative thoughts to jelly.
Fortunately, help is at hand – in the form of an extremely well-written and user-friendly book by Dan Stevens, professional speech-writer extraordinaire.
This book tells you everything you need to know about being the BEST Best Man – not just how to write and deliver a speech, but your responsibilities, how to handle the likely difficulties on the wedding day, what’s expected of you, how to stop overactive nerves …. PLUS 20 professionally written speeches to choose from.
The main feature of this package is, of course, those twenty beautifully crafted, witty professional wedding speeches (did I tell you that these have been designed to allow you to cut and paste the parts you like, and adjust names and situations, to suit your own situation?)
There’s also an entire section that’s dedicated to the more creative Best Men: you get professional advice on writing your very own speech, what to consider when using a professional writer, a list of clever quotes for extra panache, and top 10 tips for being the star turn of the day (after the bride and groom, naturally!).
You also receive in-depth information on how to make your audience laugh, how to use emotion to the best effect in your speech, detailed do’s and don’ts to prevent common slip-ups on the big day, information on speech, toasting, and general wedding etiquette. There are practical tips on speech delivery (including some effective advice on how to control stage-fright and cope with the inevitable nerves).
In addition to the actual book itself, you also get a whole bunch of freebies, too.
There are in addition 4 handy bonus books:
- Total Unstoppable Confidence, which tells you how to eliminate nervousness and anxiety. This comes as a downloadable audio-track, written and delivered by a professional hypnotherapist – so all you have to do is put your headphones on, sit back, and soak up the information
- Jokes, Quotes, and One-Liners, which teaches you how to make the funniest speech of the day
- Stag Night Ideas, which is full of fresh ideas for themes, cocktails, practical jokes, and pranks for the most original bucks’ night bash ever
- Toast Samples, which supplies you with over 100 sample toasts in a variety of styles, wit, and conventions.
Contact Dan for Advice
One other bonus which I thought was particularly useful is the private email consultation – with Dan Stevens himself. If you have questions about your upcoming speech, want to run a few ideas past him, or just need some more general advice, all you have to do is email him – and he will personally answer your email himself. Pretty impressive!
wedding speeches

Altogether, this is an impressive package. Dan’s got all the bases covered here – a huge pack of relevant, useful information on every single aspect of being a Best Man, from the speech-writing and delivery itself to handling problematic situations to wedding etiquette.
8week2 Best Man Wedding Speech: help for the Best Man speech!In summary: literally everything you’ll ever need to pull off your responsibilities as Best Man with style and panache.
But don’t take our word for it: check it out for yourself (study those testimonials while you’re there – if they don’t convince you, then nothing will!)
Our verdict? Thumbs up for Dan Steven’s Best Man Speeches it really is the ultimate Best Man?s resource.
Can’t wait for the Best Man Wedding Speech package:
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